
私たちが暮らすこの世界の美しさについ て、深く考えてみたことはありますか?そこで暮らす生命、星々や 天体、宇宙の複雑な関係。仮に創造主がいないとすれば、全てが 混沌におちいってしまうとは思いませんか?

ここで一度、考えてみましょう。これら全ての創造の裏にある目的 とは何でしょうか。世界は目的もなく創造されたのでしょうか。人 類という驚くべき存在について、高貴なる神はおっしゃりました。
『人間よ、何があなたを恵み深い主からまどわせ(背かせ)たのか。 かれはあなたを創造し、形を与え、(均整のとれた体に)整え、かれの 御心のままに、形態をあなたに与えられた御方である。』

Belief in God and in His Oneness

Whoever believes in Allah and in His Oneness will be guided to the path of happiness. His heart will be content, and he will live in a state of pure tranquility. God, Almighty, says: (Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.)

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Benefits of the Islamic Way of Life

The dangers of alcohol have been affirmed by modern medicine. God, Almighty, says: (O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful. Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist?)

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こんな質問をすると不思議に思われてしまうかもしれませ ん。答えは明らかなのですから。 誰もがこの質問には、うなずいて下さるのではないかと思い ます。では、どうすれば幸福になることができるのでしょうか? 人は誰しも自分なりの意見を持ってるものです。幸福はお金 を稼ぐことだと信じている人もいれば、権力だと考える人もい ます。友達の数や、他人への影響力だと考える人もいます。し かし、もし目標に向けて努力してきた人に、実際に幸福を得る ことができたかどうかを聞いてみると、多くの場合、まだであ るという答えが返ってきます。理由は簡単で、本当の幸福は終 わることのない祝福と安らぎの中にしかないからです。アラブ のことわざに『ベッドを買うことはできても、眠りを買うことは できない』とあるように、山ほどの金塊を持っていても本当の 幸福を経験することはできません。

Worshipping Allah will indeed make one submissive to Allah and will free him from being a captive to his desires and whims. When a person follows that which has been ordained by Allah and abstains from the prohibited, he will feel true happiness for at that point, he will have overcome his desires and defeated Satan.

The teachings of Islam instruct us to dedicate our lives, wealth and time for the sake of God. Practicing Islam is not only a temporary effort, to be done occasionally; it is a way of life. Allah says: (Say, “Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allah, Lord of the worlds.)

Achieving this love is indeed one method by which a person can protect himself from the difficulties, hardships and trials of the Day of Resurrection. The Prophet (s) said: “Seven types of people will be shaded in the Shade of Allah, a day when there is no shade but His shade. A just ruler; a youth who grew up worshipping Allah; a man whose heart is attached to the mosque; two who loved each other for the sake of Allah and then departed on that as well; a man whom an affluent woman sought to seduce him but he said: ‘I fear Allah’; a man who gave out in charity so secretly that his left hand knew not of what was in his right hand; and a man who remembered Allah and then wept.”